Benefits and Pitfalls when performing a Maintenance and Reliability Assessment?

We often get asked by clients why they should be looking to conduct a Maintenance and Reliability Assessment at their facility. We have put together a list of some of the benefits and pitfalls that we have seen during our many years of experience with assessments.
Why conduct an assessment and what are some of the benefits?
- 3rd party validation and assessment current maintenance and reliability activities
- Actionable goal list for next three, six, and twelve months
- Our assessments yield enough information to create a tactical one year plan and high-level three year plan
- Begin the process to determine if skillsets exist in the organization to perform missing processes/activities
- KPIs and performance measures package to use when developing current/future metrics package
- Ensure alignment with upper and mid-level management and floor level partners on plant site status and needs
- 'Snowball to improvement’ by sharing best practices and building a case for change with maintenance partners (hourly and salary folks)
- Highlight the current areas of success and use those as a springboard going forward
How to get the most out of a maintenance assessment?
- Don’t wait until last minute to prepare the data requested for the assessment
- Resist manipulating or inaccurately collecting data
- This is an investment of time that WILL pay future dividends once action is take on the report out data
- Ensure key personnel are available
- Take thorough notes and ask questions
- Don’t polish the plant site before our arrival
- Don’t skip over the “problem” areas.
- We are there to help and need to see the good, the bad, and especially the ugly
- Be as open and candid as possible while we are performing the assessment. Don't be afraid of being judged, we want the real story.